Apr 16, 2010

Forms and Placement

So I just sent off my JET reply package indicating that yes, I do want to go. It took all my willpower to keep from adding stars and exclamation marks all around the yes. Now I just have to wait until May to find out my placement.
What went into the reply package? Well first was the reply form. Which just involved me ticking off yes I want to go, no I'm not married nor do I have children, and I want to leave from Montreal. Then I had to put on 2 passport sized photos. The JET program requires your photo plastered on nearly everything you send to them. On the plus side at least they'll know you on sight.
The second thing I had to put in was a photocopy of my passport. Luckily I already had it scanned into my computer so I didn't have to move my giant pile of papers off my printer so I could use the scanner.
The last thing in the package, and the one that took the most work to deal with, was my medical form. Even then it only took me 2 days to fill out. First I made an appointment with Health Services on campus. So in I went and the doctor started compiling my entire history right there. This was not necessary for the form, I checked, but I'm guessing because it was my first visit that she decided she wanted it for her records. She started off with do I have any conditions, have I had any surgeries, and then have I had any other injuries. I answered that last question chronologically. She was shaking her head by the end of it.
Next she poked and prodded me to make sure I had no pain anywhere then she took my blood pressure. Then I had to pee in a cup. Oh the fun of peeing in cups. The test was fine, everything was great, until she came to the section of the form that said I had to get a lung X-ray. She pulled out a sheet, drew me a map, and told me to head into Sherbrooke.
So I did. Of course I waited until the next day because I had other things to do. I got on the bus, got off at the wrong stop, backtracked, walked up a giant hill of death, and then found the Radiology Clinic. I was in and out of there in under 40 minutes. 10-20 of those minutes was me and the receptionist trying to figure out if I had to pay or not. I did. After that, I waited about 10 minutes in the waiting area and then got called in. The X-rays themselves took about 3 minutes. After that I came home. My form was finished later that day, yesterday, and today I got my passport pictures done and sent it off!
I was really worried it would take a really long time. The JET office has to receive the form by April 30th so I was panicking a little. But it all worked out in the end.
My next post, which should be sometime in May, will be about where I've been placed. I have my fingers crossed for somewhere in Hokkaido. Until then, bye!

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