May 13, 2010


I just found out my placement! I'm going to Takayama city in Gifu prefecture. It looks awesome! I'll be in the middle of mountains and I'm only a few hours away from Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya, and Osaka.
Takayama is known for its festivals and for its preserved buildings. The city's about 95,000 people and I'll be there just in time for a bunch of their festivals. I'm super excited! And because I've been hired by the city, I'll be teaching either Junior High or Elementary students. People start getting details around May 27th so I should know precisely what grades I'm teaching around then.
And so I'll leave you now as I continue my obsessive research into my new city which will likely continue for weeks. So until I get further details, bye!

May 3, 2010

Waiting Again

Honestly, the JET program is a lesson in patience. One I am sadly failing. I know that I likely won't find out my placement until the end of the month and possibly not until June but I can't help hoping. I really want to know where I'm going. And what grades I'm teaching. There's only so much planning of things I can do before I get concrete information.
For example, choosing what DVDs to bring. I intend to bring a few that I could possibly show classes. But the difference between movies elementary school children would like and ones that high school students would enjoy is not small by any means. Also the lessons I've already begun planning and the prizes/stickers/things about Canada I get are all going to be tailored depending on the ages of my students. Of course some of them I'll be picking up regardless, like the map of Canada place-mat I found at Walmart, but some will depend solely on my students.
I apologize for yet another post of me complaining about waiting to hear back from JET. JET has pretty much taken over my life at the moment. I'm just ridiculously excited. Every so often I remember I'm going to Japan, not that I forget but that it becomes real for me again, and then I grin and/or giggle for a minute before going back to normal. Well my next post should be my placement. Unless I don't hear until June in which case you may end up with another rant about waiting which I will do my best to refrain from. So I guess I'll say goodbye for now.