Jan 24, 2009

So here's some pictures from our trip on Friday to the Roskilde Cathedral and Viking Ship Museum.
The Roskilde Cathedral was really cool. It's where a lot of the Danish monarchs were buried so there are some impressive coffins and rooms in there. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I went a little snap happy and took a huge amount of pictures. I only put a couple of them up here.
The Viking Ship Museum was a lot of fun too. Not the bulk of the tour, though out tour guide was really good, but the end was awesome. There were the costumes you could try on, and you can see in the pictures that I did. I was actually the first one brave enough to do it. We had a lot of fun there and there are some interesting pictures from us all trying the clothes on. Well us girls. None of the guys would do it. Wusses.
After we finished at the Viking Ship Museum, me, Andrew and Elaine decided to go pick some things up. I needed a hair dryer and Elaine and Andrew wanted to get kettles. So begun our adventure. We ended up in this little mall Elaine had seen when coming in from Copenhagen. There was a store there called Fotex which sold pretty much everything so we picked up some groceries along with my hair dryer and their kettles. It was when we were leaving the problems began. Outside was a bus stop and since our train clip cards work ont he buses as well and we didn't want to walk all the way back to the train station we checked the schedule. It said that this bus went to RUC (Our university) so we decided to catch it. This was around 5:30pm. What we didn't know was that this bus was going in the opposite direction and it was the one across the street that would eventually go to RUC. This was also the last bus of the night as we discovered once we got to the end of the line. Luckily we ended up near a train station. I can't remember the name of this station other than it was two parts and they both started with S. To make matters worse this train didn't go directly back to Roskilde. So we caught a train to this place called Koge, where we were able to switch lines and finally got back to Roskilde. From Roskilde we were able to catch a train to Trekroner and walked back to our residence, Korallen. We got in at 8pm. Last night it was annoying but today the whole thing is pretty funny. The three of us got ourselves randomly lost in weird suburbia Denmark. We saw a whole new side of Denmark last night.

Jan 21, 2009

Foundation Course, Campus and I'm going to kill my friends

So we've started the Foundation course and I have to say it's pretty much as boring as it sounded. Not that what they're teaching isn't useful but most of it I can figure out myself. Which is why I don't always go to all the classes. Some, like Academic English, are useless for me. However I make sure to go to every single Danish lesson. The prof, Mads pronounced Mess, is hilarious if rather eccentric. And everything he teaches us is useful. Which reminds me, there's a girl here named Ofelia and I always kind of feel bad for her. I mean her name's Ofelia and she's in Denmark. The jokes are just too obvious. I wonder if she's read Hamlet.
So I went around and took pictures of campus yesterday as it was the first sunny day we've had since I got here. What I don't have a picture of, and I wish I did, was of this bird we saw flying and going nowhere because the wind was so strong. It was just flying in place. We all kind of felt bad for the bird. Also for some reason there's a field with horses in it. One of the horses was friendly and came right up to me. I'm pretty sure he only came up because he thought I had food for him. He at least let me pet him. Oh and the second picture is of my residence, Korallen. The weird amphitheatre thing is in the little courtyard-thingy of Korallen. Still haven't figured out what it is yet.
So yeah, my friends here are awesome but I'm still going to have to kill Katelynn and Craig. Mind you it was partially my fault for leaving myself logged on on Facebook on Katelynn's computer but they really didn't need to change my status to that. But I'm going to get them back. I'll just bide my time and when they least expect it, BAM! Revenge.
Also I was all excited to go on the trip to Fyn, as were the rest of my friends, until two things happened. One, we met the head of the international club. This woman is irritating and clearly mule-headed. And her strong-arm tactics to get people to volunteer not to mention her inability to shut up damn near drove the lot of us to just get up and leave. One guy kept fake yawning in the hopes of her noticing. She didn't. Marie finally had to cut her off at the end with "Thanks" or we'd have been another 15 minutes at least. And we were 20 minutes late getting out as it was. The second reason we've all bailed on the trip is the price. It seems cheap until you realize that the school provides free transport and we cook our own food. So why, oh why, does it cost 500 DKK? Julia, a friend of ours pointed this out. We also took a closer look at the schedule and the places we're going, what university student wants to spend the night in a quiet, picturesque town when we're near one of the biggest cities in Denmark? Also some of the rules were ridiculous. "If you don't do the tasks assigned to you the entire group will be punished". Seriously? What are we, 5? Every last one of us is at least 20 and we're going to be punished as a group if one person doesn't do as they're told? And we're spending money to go on this trip. Yeah. I don't think so. Me and my friends will probably go sometime, but certainly not with the international club.
This last semester at Bishop's I felt I'd started drinking a lot. I mean we went out pretty much every week. That is until I came here. It's every day. I copped out for two of those days, we do have to get up and go to class, but very few people seem to be doing that. Last night we just sat in Katelynn's room and played cards, talked and drank. Tonight we're supposed to be going to some bar and tomorrow's karoke night at a different bar. Oh well. At least we have a lot of fun!

Jan 18, 2009

Wandering Roskilde

So Craig, Sam, Katelynn and I decided to go wander around Roskilde yesterday. We applied for our CPR numbers, got a few things we needed and then just walked around. We went down to the fjord, wandered through a park and ended back up near the cathedral. It was a lot of fun. Katelynn's mentor said he'd show her around Copenhagen so we might go do that sometime. And Friday we're going on tours of the Viking Ship Museum and the Roskilde Cathedral so I'll have pictures of that on Friday/Saturday.
When we were in the park we saw all these birds, the picture above gives you a bit of an idea of what it was like. In the ponds they had actual stairs for the birds to get up and down. There were also lots of Mallard ducks there which made me laugh. I wonder if any are the same ones that visit out backyard every spring.
The weather's not been too bad. Tuesday was the coldest with a -7 windchill. It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days so I'm not looking forward to that so much. And tomorrow we start the Foundation Course. The first week looks pretty good. Second week not so much. I'm going to see how things are and if it's really bad I'll spend the second week travelling before school starts in February.
I have to say living in the international students dorm is pretty cool. You meet people from all over and everyone's really nice. One girl, Sophia, who's from Montreal, actually walked us over to the building where the foundation course is. And this guy named Pierre from France, who works at a bar, got us in free and got us free booze. It was awesome! Though I did find out that you're allowed to smoke in Danish bars if they're small ones. Me, Katelynn and Andrew all have clothes that reek of smoke now. Oh well. It was worth a little smoke.

Jan 16, 2009

Luggage, Rooms and Airports

So I've finally arrived in Denmark. No problems with the flight and my luggage was some of the first off. However some of the others weren't so lucky. Marie-Christine, a fellow Canadian, lost one of her bags and one of the Australian guys lost his one and only bag. Both are understandably upset. Just as bad is what happened to poor Andrew from the UK. They didn't have his room ready for him. He almost had to go stay in the hostel. But we let him in and he slept on one of the couches in the kitchen so he's alright.
So I got to see a variety of airports yesterday and I have to say my favourite was the Copenhagen one. I didn't explore that much of the Amsterdam one, mostly because I went to the wrong terminal initially and had to find the right one, but the Copenhagen one had tons of stores once you got through security. It was like a mall. I'm actually excited for the next time I fly so that I can go look through them.
Oh and that's a picture of me after I got off the plane. Yes, I am the height of fashion.

Jan 10, 2009


This is really just a test blog. I'm currently in the midst of getting ready to go. Lots of packing. Oh the packing I have to do.