Jan 16, 2009

Luggage, Rooms and Airports

So I've finally arrived in Denmark. No problems with the flight and my luggage was some of the first off. However some of the others weren't so lucky. Marie-Christine, a fellow Canadian, lost one of her bags and one of the Australian guys lost his one and only bag. Both are understandably upset. Just as bad is what happened to poor Andrew from the UK. They didn't have his room ready for him. He almost had to go stay in the hostel. But we let him in and he slept on one of the couches in the kitchen so he's alright.
So I got to see a variety of airports yesterday and I have to say my favourite was the Copenhagen one. I didn't explore that much of the Amsterdam one, mostly because I went to the wrong terminal initially and had to find the right one, but the Copenhagen one had tons of stores once you got through security. It was like a mall. I'm actually excited for the next time I fly so that I can go look through them.
Oh and that's a picture of me after I got off the plane. Yes, I am the height of fashion.

1 comment:

  1. Good Lauren! Kayla and I are both glad that you made it to Finland safe and sound ;) aha
