Mar 11, 2009

Sick Again

So I realized I haven't posted anything in a while and since I'm not moving today due to me being sick again I figured now was a good of a time as any. On the plus side I'm not painfully sick. On the downside dizziness is not conducive to getting anything that required movement done. And my fever isn't helping any.
As to what I've been doing lately, well there's not too much to tell. I haven't been doing anything all that interesting. Went to a lot of parties. Went to class and worked on the group project. Oh! Got my first essay assignment for History and Culture. The thing is only going to end up being like 400 words. Hurray for super easy work! History and Culture is also the class where my prof definitely showed a clip from South Park which made me laugh. It didn't help it was the Metrosexual episode. I had the crab people song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
It's weird. Since I've been here I find myself doing my dishes and my laundry more often than I ever do at Bishop's. Not really sure why though. Well the dishes might have something to do with the fact that I cook a lot more here than I do at school. It helps that there are no microwaves in the building. They sell microwave food in Denmark. I've seen it in the grocery stores so I don't understand why we don't have microwaves here in the kitchens. I mean we're university students. Microwaves would be awesome.
Anyway I'm going to go take a nap now. I'll try to remember to post more often.

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