Mar 25, 2009

Copenhagen and Packing

Well I'm better finally. Me being sick is the reason I haven't put a new post up in a while. I haven't done anything so there was nothing to blog about.
So I went to Copenhagen on Friday and met up with my friend Oly there. We went shopping. She showed me 2 stores where we get student discounts, Urban Outfitters and something with the word Top in it. I think it was the Top Shop but I could be wrong. Oh and apparently Tivoli opens next month so we were talking about going soon. Oly was telling me about some of the rides and about the new one. I'm pretty excited. While we were in Copenhagen I was looking for some cool Danish souvenirs and found none. Everything in the stores we went into was super lame so I'm going to pick some up in the airport on Friday.
Speaking of Friday, I head to Belarus then. I'm actually in the midst of doing laundry for that very reason. I'm excited. I just have to pack...and clean up. Seriously need to clean up. Oh well. I've got time. Anyway that's all for now. I'll do a post once I'm back from Belarus so look forward to it.

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