Jun 16, 2009

Work, Tivoli and the Exam

Alright, it's been a while since my last post. Mostly because I've been busier than ever. Only a month left until I'm home and these last days are just packed with stuff that I'm doing.

So last week I got a temporary job at the Bella Center for the EULAR convention. I was first hired by a place called Argyle Staffing Agency. Then they didn't need all the people they had so they asked me to be the on call person. Then they never set that up with me. Needless to say I was a little upset. However, luck had not deserted me. I'd mentioned the convention job to my friend Katelynn and so she also went onto Craiglist. And she got hired by this company called Wyeth to help out. They ended up needing an extra person so they hired me for 3 of the 4 days of the convention.

What was the job? Engraving things. Pens mostly. The engraving machine is probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen. We engraved these level, laser point pens, they were apparently for hanging pictures on walls. We ran out of those by the first hour of the second day. So then we started engraving these 5-setting laser pens. Also ran out of those. Not before I engraved one for myself though. Then we started engraving magnets with the little mermaid on them. We had 5000 so we didn't run out. I ended up engraving a bunch for people. We also engraved initials on these USBs we were giving out. I also got one of those. It was pretty cool.

It was around when we started engraving the USBs that we found out how nasty the engraving machine knobs can be. I still have blisters and Rico, the lone guy who was working with us, ended up getting Tendonitis from the machine. We kicked him off the machines and made him work desk the rest of the time.

Oh working desk. There were people from so many different countries and things sometimes got interesting when we tried to explain things to them. The worst was when I tried to speak Spanish to people. I speak very little Spanish. We did eventually get them sorted out. I spoke a bit of French, mostly to the people from France. Interestingly enough most of the Canadians I met were from Quebec. They all liked me because I go to school in Sherbrooke.

The one thing about the convention that sucked was the fact that so many people were grabby. They would just come up and take stuff. Stuff we weren't giving away. Like our example pens. I know a few people walked off with the empty boxes the pens came in. In their cases I found it hilarious. I wish I could have been there to see the look on their face when they realized there was nothing in the box. Also, some people were anal retentive about stupid stuff. Like one woman made me switch her box because there was a miniscule black fleck on the box. I did it but I put the box with the others and someone else got it. And we had people check the spelling of their names and stuff before we engraved it on the second day. I had one woman who I had check the computer and she says, yes that's right. Then when I hand her the pen she tells me that that's not what she wanted. I'm proud of myself for not snapping at her.

The job was a lot of fun though. Some people got stuff engraved for their kids. Especially the magnets. I know a number of little girls who are going to be told they have Ariel magnets. Also Kelly, the woman who was working with us, was super nice. So other than the blisters and my feet killing at the end of the day it was really good. I also made sweet money so I'm really happy. I actually had a couple people think I was a sales representative. I had to tell them no, I'm a student. All I do is engraving.

Oh yeah! There was one other thing that happened while we working. We had to stop letting people write whatever they wanted to be engraved after someone got me to engrave Humiras For Life on a pen. In fairness I knew nothing about Wyeth or Roche and so had no idea that Humiras was the rival product of Enbrel, which is what Wyeth was promoting. Yeah...

Anyway, so yesterday me and Oly went to Tivoli. I lucked out and one of my group members works at Tivoli so she gave me free passes. The place is awesome! It's not all rides. There are a lot of beautiful gardens and nice restaurants in there. They also do concerts every Friday. I had a lot of fun. Some of the rides were weird though. There was this really trippy Hans Christian Anderson Fairytale one that we were pretty sure really shouldn't have been for children. We also went into the fun house. Where we were the oldest people there who were not accompanying children. It is sad how much fun we had in there.

We were there most of the day and Oly has been telling me about this restaurant called Wagamama's forever so we went for lunch/dinner. From 12-5 students get half off. Wagamama's is this weird asian fusion place. I have to say, super delicious! I'm checking to see if there are any in Canada. There were things in mine that I don't even like that were delicious anyway. I would highly recommend that palce to anyone.

Well that's pretty much what I've been up to lately. Thursday I have my exam. Earlier today we went over to Tia's to practice for the exam. We also went through the project again. One of our members just finished an Academic English course. Me, Oly and Tia agree that this course is terrible. It's not even taught by a native English speaker. Anyway there were a lot of errors in it that we noticed and the one group member had a tendency to use words she clearly doesn't fully understand the meaning off. Oh well. It's too late to change now.

Oh and the weather lately? Terrible. Wind and rain. When Denmark decides to be miserable it is freaking miserable. The wind will randomly change directions so you get completely soaked no matter what. I came home from work with my clothes just plastered to me one night. Even with my umbrella. And the pond near school overflowed. There were trees and a trashcan in the middle of it after all the rain. It's finally been sunny the last few days. Hopefull it'll last.

Anyway that's all for now. Next week I spend cleaning and packing then it's Italy! So my next post won't likely be until I get back on the 31st.

As for the pictures, one is of me before work, looking all professional. What you can't see is how badly the blazer fit me. I got it at a thrift store for 10$. I only needed it for 3 days so I didn't care. There's one picture of the overflowing pond and the rest are of Tivoli.

So there you have it. Proof I'm still alive.

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