May 31, 2009

School's Out

So, with the exception of my exam, I'm done school here at RUC. Which makes me happy. I'm glad I never have to do another group project again. Also that I'll never have to look at the Satanic Verses again either. I'm torching my copy after my exam. Anyway for now I'm rejoicing in sweet freedom!

So Friday we had a party here in Korallen. I thought it'd be huge as everyone's finished their projects and would be in the mood to celebrate. It ended up being the smallest Korallen party I've been to. We averaged about 20 people. It was barnyard themed, hence my hair. It was still a lot of fun. Also random at points but fun all in all.

Saturday was the offical beginning of the Carnivale festival in Copenhagen so I went in, hungover and none too happy at being up before noon after the party the night before, to see the parade. It was pretty cool. It's also been a long time since the last parade I saw so I was pretty excited. There were two adorable babies standing next to us. One had a habit of dancing everytime the music got really loud. It was so cute!

Thankfully the sun had finally come back, the last week has been raining, so a couple of days ago I went for a wander. In the woods. Well what passes for woods around here. Where I went was about as big as the woods behind our house. Yeah. That size. It was good though. I climbed a tree. Sort of. More of climbed up a slanting log. Sadly my shoes don't have good grip so I didn't get very high.

Well that's it for now. My group's having a dinner next week. Large amounts of alcohol are going to be involved now that we don't need to worry about the stupid project. Tivoli's been postponed until sometime in mid-June. And I've created a list of places I'm going ot visit in Venice and Rome. I think I'm going to spend an entire day in Rome just visiting museums. I have a huge list of ones I want to see. So yep. That's about all that's new with me. I'll update later when something interesting happens.

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