Apr 29, 2009

Copenhagen Zoo


Me, Jess and Katelynn went to the Copenhagen zoo today. It was beautiful out, sunny and 18. I think I got a bit of a tan. The best part about going to the zoo in April is that a lot of the animals have babies. I honestly thought I was going to have a cuteness overload.
The very first exhibit you see after walking in is the lions. And they had cubs. Both half-grown and little babies. They were all asleep initially but later they woke up and were wandering around. They were so cute I wanted to steal one!
Next we saw the monkeys. Who also had babies. You should have seen them running around! One of the babies got in a fight with one of the older, but still juvenile, monkeys. It lost. We were there when they got fed. For some strange reason they gave the monkeys food in a container. One monkey ripped it right open. Then one of the mother monkeys stole it from him. It was pretty funny to watch.
Then there were the penguins! If we'd really wanted to we could have just reached in and picked up one of the penguins, the enclosure was that low. It wouldn't have even been hard. A lot of the enclosures were like that which was really cool. You could get really close to the animals.
The wolf enclosure reminded me of home. Sadly they didn't have any babies that we could see.
At the bear exhibit there were two little cubs who kept play fighting. It was adorable. The mom just sort of ignored them and did her own thing. The male was kept separate. He didn't seem to like that too much...
They had the sweetest elephant exhibit! It was huge. There was also a baby elephant. And one of the elephants, for some unknown reason, decided to climb up onto this little stool thing. Nearly shoved the baby right over. She was a bit of a jerk.
Possibly one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life was at the zoo. Baby otters! Otters are adorable by themselves. Baby ottters? I almost had a cuteness overload right there! They were so tiny and made the cutest little squeaking noise. I think I should get a pet otter. We already have a pool, we're set.
We were actually at the zoo in time to watch the sea lions get fed. They did all sorts of tricks. One rolled over, another did a black flip out of the water, and another one balanced a ball on its nose. It was really cool.
We saw an okapi there. Okapis have got to be the wierdest looking animal ever. Weirder even than platypuses. They're like the bastard offspring of a giraffe, zebra and tapir. And tapirs are freaking weird looking themselves!
We were a little saddened that the giraffes weren't out in the field. It was kind of hard to see them. But there was a baby giraffe!
The zebras also had a baby. Also while we were there some of the zoo keepers were herding the zebras around. We were thinking they might be trying to teach them tricks or something. Who knows.
The last thing we really did, because the zoo closed, stupid 5pm closing time, was go to the petting zoo. They had baby goats. One of the babies kept trying to suckle on my fingers. Which was fine until he decided to use his side teeth to try and bite me. That was not cool. We tried to go see the hippos but the zoo closed. It stays open until 9pm starting in June and next month it stays open until 6pm. We're already planning to go again. But after Tivoli. The new ride there opens this Friday so we'll probably go next week or the week after. I'm beyond excited!
Oh. And that one picture of the road? That's a picture taken from my room. Guess what time I took it? If you guessed 4pm, you'd be wrong. It took it at 7pm. 2 weeks ago. And it's still only April. June is going to be...interesting.

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