May 2, 2009

May 1st Festival

In Denmark, May 1st is Worker's Day. Apparently this means everyone goes to a park and hangs out together. So that's what we did. It was a lot of fun.
So I met up with Oly and Pip then we headed to Christiania. It was my first time there. I'm really going to have to go back. It's a really cool place. Sadly you're not allowed to take pictures inside. Almost all of the building have some kind of cool painting on the sides and there are all sorts of people in there. We met up with Sanne there and then headed back into Copenhagen to go to the park.
You didn't even need directions. You just followed the huge crowds of people. The front entrance to the park had a fair in it. I won a chick there. I named him Fluffermonster. He's sitting up with my Travel Bear and Good Luck Frog. I'm getting quite the stuffed animal collection.
There were all sorts of booths selling beer, popcicles, kebabs, hot dogs, pretty much everything you can imagine. We brought sandwiches and cookies and drinks and stuff with us. I tried this Pear Cider stuff. I am now in love with it. It's way better than beer. It's just a bit sweet. I'm thinking of bringing some back with me.
We ended up sitting at the far end of the area where the stages were. None of us were really interested in the bands or the political speeches. It doesn't help that said speeches were in Danish. There were more people than live in the whole of Brockville I think. Oly, Pip and Sanne were laughing at me for being so impressed. They told me that the Roskilde Festival is going to be way bigger. I cannot even imagine this.
The Festival was fun, despite me getting sunburned. It's only a mild one so I'm not so bothered. And the number of random things we saw...Well it was different for sure. The guy who was wandering around naked, the guy wearing a red dragon costume, the girl who came up to us asking if we spoke English and then, finding that we did, asking us where the Anti-Fascist people were meeting and of course who can forget the people with the Free Hug signs.
It's actually the Free Hug people's fault that we lost Sanne. She ran off to go get a free hug and never came back. We waited 4 hours. We wouldn't have waited so long if she hadn't left her purse and her phone with us. I have no idea where she went but I know she met up with Oly today to get her stuff back.
The whole thing was basically a giant, drunken (the Danes love their booze), picnic. We left at 8pm. The sun was still out but it was getting cold and we were out of actual food. That and Oly was craving the Kebab from near Pip's apartment. So I said goodbye to Oly and Pip after they left me at a bus stop that would take me right to one of the trains stations I know. 12 buses later, only 2 actually stopped since they were all full, I gave up on waiting for a bus and walked. I actually found my way straight to Norreport station. I was thouroughly impressed with myself for this feat. So I got home at 9:30pm. The sun had only just set.
So that was my adventures at the May 1st Festival. In 2 weeks we're planning on going to Tivoli and to Malmo in Sweden so I'll have lots of stuff to write about then! Bye for now

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