Feb 26, 2009


And so here is the story of my adventures in Granada and the first of my bus disasters. I caught my flight out of London and got to Malaga no problem. It was trying to get from Malaga to Granada that the problems started. So I missed the first city bus from the airport to Malaga proper as it came early. The next one came late and so I ended up missing the 9pm bus to Granada. And the next one ended up leaving the bus station at 12:30am. So I ended up stuck in the bus station for a couple hours. During my stay I actually ended up having this huge converstaion with this one guy who spoke English. Well first he spoke Spanish to me. I was reading one of my books, thank god I'm a bibliophile and bought 2 in England or I'd have gone crazy from boredom, and he asked me in Spanish what language my book was in. I actually understood this as the Spanish I learned from my one class in Grade 10 was slowly coming back and so I replied English in Spanish. Apparently when I say English in Spanish I say it was a Malagian accent, or at least that's what the guy said because he assumed I was from Malaga and started spouting off Spanish. I had no idea whta he said and just told him I didn't speak Spanish. Then we started talking about learning French in Canada and being bilingual. It was random but fun.
Anyway so I finally get to Granada at 2:30am. Fun fact about Granada, the city buses don't start running again until 6am. The bus I needed didn't show up until 6:30am. So I spent 4 hours in the Granada bus station. Lucky I had my books. So I finally find my hostel, after getting lost and eventually just taking a taxi cause I was tired and frustrated. I got 3 hours sleep and then went out to go find Shannon.
After wandering the city and being unable to find the number of Shannon's friend, I decided to head to the museum we were supposed to be going to. I got lost. I ended up climbing halfway up and a quarter of the way around this one mountain because I thought that's where I had been given directions. It was not. On the plus side I got some awesome pictures of the surrounding mountains. I only realized my mistake when I found the hippy camps up there. I climbed down and it was then that Shannon phoned me and we were able to meet up, which was good.
So finally together we headed to the Centero de Ciences. A giant science centre. It was really cool. And see, I did something educational so I get bonus points. Me and Shan went around to a bunch of the exhibits. My favourite was the birds of prey. They had so many of them! I also found the Antartica one funny, mostly due to the fact they had this special freezer room to test how you handle cold. So me and Shannon go in and the thing's only -10. I started laughing. I mean -10? Really? For Antartica? So we proved we are Canadian through and through by laughing at their puny attempt at cold.
After that we went for dinner at this cool buffet place and the out for tapas. Tapas is this Spanish thing where you buy a drink and get food with it. Every time you buy a drink you get different food. We went to this really cheap place. Tapas was only 2 euros. And you get like 3 kinds of food. It was really cool. Then we went shopping and eventually Shan went back home and I went back to my hostel. Granada was a lot of fun and so pretty!
Tomorrow Barecelona, so tune in next day, same exchange blog, same exchange girl.

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