Feb 4, 2009

Sickness, USA Night and School Starts

Alright, first off I need to apologize for not updating for a while. To be honest I forgot about the blog. That and I've been pretty sick the last week. I'm getting better though. Hurray for cough medicine!
So the international club had USA night at this bar/concert hall/cafe called Gimle and since Marie and Katelynn signed up I decided to sign up to help out as well. It was actually a lot of fun. Me and Trang picked out the music and I ended up DJing all night. I would have danced but no one came to relieve me, damn them! But it was still a lot of fun. I got a bunch of requests and I got to pick out the music so it was good music for dancing. After the food, I played Baby Got Back, Hey Ya and Stand Up to get everyone to start dancing and man did it ever work well. We had a good turnout and even though Barrett forgot most of the decorations in her office it was still cool. The fact that the powerpoint slideshow wouldn't work was a bonus in my books though Barrett had a flip out about it. I wouldn't mind DJing another one of those parties!
This Monday school started which was fun. Not. It seems RUC screwed up my admittance nicely. I ended up in Cultural Encounters for the first part of the morning, which I soon realized was not where I was supposed to be. So I went to the international office and they sent me to Building 3 with the names of 2 secretaries. The secretaries, Gette and Dorthea, were both very nice and everntually found out where I was supposed to be. I'm in the Humanities Basic Studies level. I was then asked if I wanted to stay there because it's at the 1st year level. I was like, BONUS easier work. I already made friends with one of the girls in my program. Her name's Isolde but her nickname's Oly. She's really nice. Gave me a list of people I don't want to have in the same group as me for my group project. We're both in the same group. It's going to be a project on a book called the Satanic Verses. I also looked into the project on Brave New World. Actually the teacher said I could do an independent project if I wanted but I decided I'd rather do a group project instead. It'll be more fun this way. So I finally have my school stuff somewhat organized. Hurray for me! Anyway I've got to go to class now. I'll post more later. Including pictures of USA Night and my aborted trip to Copenhagen.

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