May 20, 2009

This and That

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy working on my group project. Which coincidentally is slowly driving me towards insanity. I hate the Satanic Verses and am actually contemplating burning the book after this is over. Mere words cannot accurately describe how much I loathe this book. On the plus side we're almost done. It's due on Tuesday and then I don't have to think about it for 2 weeks. On June 18th is my exam and then I am done. Our exam is early cause Tia's rented a house with friends in the South of France. I'm kind of jealous.

As for what else I've been doing...Well the swans that hang out in the pond on campus had babies so I went down one afternoon and fed them. The babies are just the cutest! It was a lot of fun. Right up until one of the adults tried to bite my toes. Apparently I wasn't throwing the bread fast enough. They're as nasty as Canadian Geese. But the babies are adorable. And one of the adults will eat right from your hand. Of course it'll hiss and bite at you while doing so, but still, it's kind of cool.

I've been in Copenhagen a lot recently. All the rest of my group members live there, except Oly but she's up there with her boyfriend half the time so yeah. Today I discovered something. It's pretty much impossible for me to get lost in downtown Copenhagen. It's the second time I've tried to get lost after a group meeting. I figured wandering around the city would be cool. I keep ending right back up at one of the train stations. Today I walked from Kobenhavn H station to Norreport station. It was fun. I also started souvenir shopping. Today I went into 4 different souvenir shops. Surprsingly they don't all have the same stuff. A lot of the stuff is the same but each one had at least a few different things. Also if they can put a mermaid on it, it's sold in a souvenir store. Honestly I have never seen that much mermaid stuff in my life. There's also a lot of viking stuff and trolls. And yes, I mean those little doll things. I don't know if they were invented here or what but every souvenir store has baout 20 different kinds. No lego though. Lego's only in the toy stores. Which all have at least one cool ginat lego thing which is awesome.

Oh yeah! There's this awesome board game store in Copenhagen. I swear it has every board game ever created. I saw one version of Risk called Godstorm. I told my friend Merran from Bishop's, who's on the Classics Society board, and we're thinking of buying it for the Classics society. It sounds way too awesome. When I got excited about it, and was sad when it was way too heavy to feasibly bring back with me, I realized how much of a Classics nerd I really am. It took being a semester away from it to realize I really do love my major.

Here's some random pictures I took of the swans and around Copenhagen. Oly and me are planning on taking a canal tour so I'll eventually have pictures of that. Also I plan on visiting the castle sometime because it's not right not to. Not since the Danes have their own royal family. Anyway that's all for now. The plans for Tivoli have been pushed back to the end of the month when Oly's sister comes to visit her, and I'm planing a trip somewhere for the next couple of weeks so I'll let you know what's happening with all of that once I know myself.

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